Thursday, January 21, 2010

Periodontal Procedures What Is A Homeopathic Way To Stop The Progression Of Periodontal Disease?

What is a homeopathic way to stop the progression of periodontal disease? - periodontal procedures

I have an aggressive form of periodontitis. In some places I have 50% bone loss. I had the extension twice. My gums do not comply with these procedures and dentists available. I use toothpaste with fluoride free (recommended by a herbalist). I am in good health. HELP!


  1. Continue to see, your dentist for treatment ... But do not stop, active in their own healing. (Brushing and flossing)
    Do you think that periodontal disease is ... is a contagious disease ... and your body has the ability to cause disease by the immune system to resist. How research can improve "their immune system and apply what you learn. (Changes in diet, food supplements, exercise, etc.)
    Drugs, alcohol, excessive consumption of sugar and tobacco and snuff, weaken the immune system a lot, so if you all these things ... You need to stop.
    Mouthwash natural "good" can be a degree of success with a combination of .. Lemon juice, vinegar, apple juice, garlic oil () a few drops of olive tea tree (drops) of salt, a little alcohol may (gin or vodka) ... Make yourself at home and in the Swoosh in the mouth a few times a day, and "spits" ... May your breath stinks, but it helps to extract and remove impurities from the gum ...
    I wish him all the best ... Have a happy day ...

  2. Homeopathy treatment is assessed by a long list of points and is best installed by qualified personnel so that you receive proper treatment. However, a pharmacist with the knowledge of treatments may be able to recommend a product for you.
    Good luck getting a treatment that sounds painful: (
    The following website is a forum, you may be able to obtain detailed advice there.

  3. Fluoride-free toothpaste from horse manure and money wasted. Your problem is not the devil, chemicals in toothpaste, oral hygiene is your problem. Apparently had or had not regularly or brushes, neglected causes periodontitis, and dental visits. Your best approach at this stage is whether the treatment should be continued expansion (up to 4 scales is not uncommon) and see if surgery is necessary.

    If the dentist finds that surgery can fix the problem, we recommend that you have as quickly as possible. They respond best to surgical intervention at an early age and from your body. Stick to the extent necessary and use it to his mouth rinse, as shown in.

    Otherwise, bacteria such as homeopathy, as he - it to its natural process of nature by destroying their teeth because it millions of years. I suggest you stop buying this fraud and Marketing Get a grip. The answer is education, information and responsibility, with the actual practice and credible scienceDoctors (dentists), not cure Corny story of all women.

  4. That's what does not help one start, with CoQ10 for rubber. The loss of bone volume ionization Fuzz is a beverage that has calcium and other minerals to build bones. It may take a few weeks for this to in the meantime, buy pure aloe vera gel and apply to gums This will help to relieve pain and begin the healing process.
    If you do not find in your health shop ionization fuzz that on this site is available. I know it works because I have my girlfriend when she broke her arm ... she called to tell me, healed after only 2 weeks.
