Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fur Discoloration On Dogs My Black Pug's Fur Is Turning Copper...?

My black pug's fur is turning copper...? - fur discoloration on dogs

7yro I have a black pug and over the last 2-3 months I have noticed that the skin around the tail and neck was always an orange-brown. I googled the insistence of everything I do related to the discoloration of the skin to a meal can be, but his regime is not at all be changed. I take it to the vet if it is to spread further, but he did not seem to bother him, and apart from a small dog in good health. I am puzzled about the causes, any ideas?


  1. There is nothing to fear - it's just the sun! I had all kinds of dogs with dyed black hair that is red, and just because they enjoy the time in the sun.

  2. My black pug has brown around the neck that more and more prominent is because he made more. It can also be caused by the sun, like the other answers. Absolutely nothing to fear. Our own hair does the same. :)

  3. I have 3 pugs (2 fawn 1 black) color black has too much sun, only copper. It is normal

  4. or when a dog gets old ritual of his skin is gray? and my dogs are clearer and darker all the time
