Friday, January 8, 2010

Growing Herbs In Pots What's The Best Potting Soil For Growing Herbs?

What's the best potting soil for growing herbs? - growing herbs in pots

I want to grow herbs at home, such as thyme, rosemary, basil and sage. What is the best soil to use? And if I start seeds or plants?


  1. Mix to ensure that your quality potting soil. In principle, contain all the coir and peat, helping to keep water that contains wettasoil if you do not go back, and it dries a little wet and not easily water pearls at the top and bottom of the glass of water on this side. and all traces can pay a little more, but it's worth it when you see the results

  2. Miracle-Gro potting soil I, and were very successful. You may still be able to buy plants (herbs) in a local kindergarten.

  3. Rosemary grows well in ordinary soil. I do not know where we sell (location, climate, etc. I am in California and used as a landscape plant that requires very little care to write. You can at Home Depot, Orchard Supply or purchase transactions, to plants. J 'I found it well in a container, but better on the ground. The same is true, I say - I am not sure that a particular variety for cooking or any kind of sage is edible. Do not say a lot of water - after all, what comes out of the desert - so do not need any maintenance. You usually can not (packets of seeds in the same stores to buy herbs such as parsley, humidity) and the remaining basil - - in the seed packet will tell you how they grow and when to plant, when you go outside.

    My best wishes for a beautiful garden. One of the beauties of these plants is that smell wonderful.

  4. You can not go wrong with Miracle Grow potting soil with most plants. The exceptions are cacti, succulents, orchids and others who do not like the normal soil, but do not know of herbs as well. In relation to the seeds, unless, like me, and like the challenge of growth from seeds I plant for Wal-Mart, Home Depot, speed, etc. .. and you can get seeds, in all these places without any additional charges as wide.
