Friday, February 19, 2010

Italy View View.shtml Axis What Is The View That Italian Men Have About Women In Italy? What Is The Womans Role?

What is the view that Italian men have about women in Italy? What is the womans role? - italy view view.shtml axis

In particular, people in Sicily ... I see women as inferior beings? When the same?

That is what they considered inferior to their wives in order to deceive them and keep them or no respect for the family and the marriage vows?


  1. ciao ... I'm Italian ... Italy, like all other nations ...
    It's not like in movies ...
    Italy and not so good ... nothing ...
    I'm in Northern Italy .. as .. and men are all alike ...
    un bacio ..

    PS ... sorry for my English =)

    ... Irene ...

  2. Troppi film hai visto!

    In Italia รจ la stessa cosa che in altri Paesi civilizzati

    \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; translation>

    You should check the film too!

    In Italy is now the same as any part of the civilized nation
