Sunday, February 21, 2010

Excedrin Dogs My Dog May Have Eaten Excedrin. Our Vet Is Closed. What Can I Do?

My dog may have eaten Excedrin. Our vet is closed. What can I do? - excedrin dogs

I have a boxer for 3 years / Bernese Mountain Dog mix. It weighs 65 pounds. This morning I had a bottle of Excedrin was chewing on his bed with the lid and pills everywhere. I cleaned all and it does not look like he ate everything, but there is a possibility they may have received one of two. I'm not positive, how many were in the bottle before you chew. Our regular vet is closed and when we took her to the emergency vet costs over $ 100 we have now. When I was sure I was much that find a way to eat. I do not know prescription pills can be very dangerous. But since it does not seem to eat everything, it is difficult for me to justify, not only because of the case. Will it be good if he ate only one or two? Is there anything we can do for them or here untilVet T opens on Monday? I know that I am to them is usually coal, that you can buy something somewhere and I give myself? Has anyone else experience with dogs food to drugs? Were they right?

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