Monday, February 8, 2010

Everclear Alcohol California In What Countries Is The Purchase Of Everclear Alcohol Legal?

In what countries is the purchase of everclear alcohol legal? - everclear alcohol california

Everclear alcohol is illegal in some states like California. This is a test of the 190th

How would you describe the experience of a glass of Everclear right?


  1. I think it is legal in most countries. High-alcohol test is very cheap in Italy, for example, but Germany are heavily taxed, and therefore affordable actually available in adequate quantities.

    Also do not always drink when you wake up (or do not) in the clinic.

  2. It is sold in Canada ... and I found this information on Wikipedia ..

    "It is illegal, the range of 190-proof in some U.S. states, namely California, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, [3 sell], Nevada, New York, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia. In California and some other states can be sold in the range of 151 tests.

    In Canada, for sale in Alberta, but not in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and most provinces,

    This page contains further information about this topic: (...

    His .. very strong and dangerous it is not recommended!

  3. 190 is the legal standard in Texas, USA - in California, only 151, was 75.5% by volume, compared to 95%. I recommend not directly under them, but what's it taste? Imagine a vodka high, as evidence that 151 is almost twice more than most vodka, 2 shots of 190 proof alcohol has almost as much as he had 5 shots of vodka 80th

  4. Sale in Illinois. Everclear shoot made her feel like drinking alcohol doctor. they spit and what is waste in the blood can be depending on how it sounded exactly as it is tolerant. not be better for the mixture to draw

  5. It is legal in Quebec (Canada).

    Straight is a kind of sense. Your body absorbs more alcohol around 20% (40 proof).
